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Ιπποκαστανέα Έλαιο

Horse Chestnut Oil

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Horse chestnut vegetable oil 100ml. It strengthens skin cells and helps with problems such as cellulite and skin aging.

Horse chestnut vegetable oil
(Aesculus hippocastaneum)
For some years now, the beneficial effect of horse chestnut oil has been proven for cases where skin problems occur. Its oil strengthens skin cells and helps with various aesthetic and medical problems such as cellulite and skin aging.
It also works effectively for problems caused by reduced blood supply in the veins. It relieves symptoms of tingling, pain, itching, fatigue and feelings of heaviness or coldness associated with poor blood circulation in the legs. This oil essentially strengthens the walls of the vessels, which means that Horse Chestnut is beneficial in the fight against varicose veins, swollen legs, and hemorrhoids.
It also cures thrombophlebitis as it softens and gradually dissolves and absorbs clots, relieves pain and reduces swelling.
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