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Oregano essential oil
(Origanum Vulgaris "Hirtum")
Wild oregano is rich in a long list of minerals, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, manganese and vitamins C and A.
Greek oregano is known worldwide as GREEK OREGANO and is famous for its admirable properties, although it only grows in Greece.
It is an excellent essential oil capable of dealing with a wide range of germs, fungi, bacteria and viruses of all kinds.
Suitable for all cases in which health problems arise from all the above microorganisms such as viruses of all types, seasonal and special flus, hepatitis, encephalitis, otitis, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, allergies, asthma, pneumonias, sinusitis, etc. Also for diarrhea, intestinal and digestive problems, colitis, tympani.
Laboratory tests have shown that it is a natural and very powerful antibiotic (in many cases better than chemical antibiotics) while having none of their side effects. It immediately kills the microbes without them becoming resistant to the use of oregano oil, which almost always happens with chemical antibiotics.
Protect your body against colds and flu and even the H1N1 virus by drinking one drop of oregano oil diluted in a glass of water.
Research shows that it also has an effective effect in reducing sugar, while in another recent study by AUTH, oregano oil showed a very strong antioxidant effect in the oxidation of blood serum lipoproteins.
Treat minor burns and relieve pain by mixing one drop of oregano oil in one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Also suitable for psoriasis, mycosis and skin diseases (2-3 drops in a spoonful of oil). If you have an allergy to wasp or bee stings, making a timely topical application with oregano oil will have immediate and life-saving results.
Inhale from the bottle of oregano oil to treat lung and respiratory problems. You can also put a drop of oregano oil on a tissue and place it under your pillow.
Safe use
Oregano oil is an oral essential oil (GRAS) and its dosage is one drop in a little water, or in a cup of tea, juice, or milk, or for even easier intake one drop of oregano oil in a teaspoon of olive oil, 2-3 times a day.
For long-term use of the oil, it is recommended to take it alternately at intervals of 15 days with a one-week break.
Not recommended during pregnancy. Still not recommended for people with iron deficiency. Do not apply oregano oil to open wounds.
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