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Αιθέριο έλαιο Δενδρολίβανου
Rosemary essential oil
(Rosmarinus Officinalis)
Aromatic shrub known to the Ancient Greeks who used it in religious ceremonies and celebrations as incense.
It has a very good aroma and excellent anti-dandruff and pro-hair growth effects. Use it diluted in 0 PH shampoo (such is the children's) by massaging the scalp until local hyperemia is created. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. Repeat this as often as you can to get the desired result.
Treats headaches and migraines, stimulates brain function, while improving memory and mental clarity. It helps the respiratory tract, muscle stiffness as well as in cases of arthritis and muscle pain. Rosemary essential oil also helps to reduce water retention during menstruation and normalize the cycle. Effective in the fight against obesity and cellulite as well as asthma in bronchitis, runny nose and diarrhoea. On the skin it can be used for acne, dermatitis and eczema. It also helps in cases of sexual dysfunction.
Parallel use in the shampoo with the essential oil of laurel will give you healthy and strong hair while rejuvenating and activating even the dead hair roots.
Safe use
Always use it diluted and in small doses.
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